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Chiron, the planet of healing, has been in Pisces since last year - perhaps paving the way for us to get the most from Neptune's tour through this magical sign. One of Chiron's roles is to help us heal the past and cut the cords that may be holding us back. After all it is difficult to dream about a better tomorrow if you're up all night thinking about yesterday. Chiron will continue this important role through 2019 and together with Neptune will help to bring about a collective healing that is going to result in a better tomorrow for all of us. So now is the time to ask yourself, what is still holding me back? What do I need to heal myself (and in the process heal the world around you!)? Bloodstone will detoxify your system of past hurts and Unakite will assist with the release process.





You may have heard the term "void of course" in regard to the Moon. When the Moon is moving from one sign to another there is a period of time when it is in no sign. This is the time in between signs - kind of an astrological limbo! Sometimes it is minutes, sometimes hours, and, rarely, it could be days. It is very important to do nothing during a void of course - this is meant to be a time of rest, review and renewal. Anything you try to accomplish will not go as planned and will just have to be done again. Early this morning the Moon will be void of course as it leaves Gemini and heads for Cancer. It won't be for long but why not take some time this morning for yourself. Sleep late, have breakfast in bed, read a book and wait until later in the day to jump into your to-do list. Try a Selenite to help you physically relax and Blue Calcite to soothe and calm your busy mind.




Saturn turns retrograde in Libra in the next few days so you will begin to notice a rebalancing of rules and structure. This is an excellent time to review things like your schedule, how tasks are performed and other routines in your life. If you'd like a better way to do anything - now is the time to find it! This retrograde will also extend Saturn's time in Libra giving us all extra time to resolve any unfinished business. Use Peridot to bring you in alignment with these changes while keeping you upbeat.





It will be easy to be open and honest as the Sun conjuncts Mercury. This is a great aspect to help solve any problems and to communicate on a very personal level with others. Just be cautious that you don't make it all about you and that you listen to what others have to say. Blue Lace Agate will enhance your communications and Onyx will help you to relate to others.




Isn't it interesting that the Moon and planets in general, are brighter in the winter sky than at any other time of the year? Take some time to thank the Universe for giving us some extra light when we need it and enjoy this very bright Full Moon in Leo. Leo is about personal leadership and this Moon will help you to finish anything that you have started. The Leo Moon is very powerful so take this opportunity to use your leadership skills wisely. Leopard Skin Jasper will get you in touch with your inner Lion while Topaz will guide you towards where your leadership can do the most good.




Venus moves into Aries today giving us the opportunity to move forward in our relationships and finances. Aries wants you to focus on your needs more than others - which can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. Either way you will be able to reach a new level in your relationships and finances. Rhodochrosite will ease your path and Danburite can help you to avoid pleasing yourself by over-indulging




Watch out for unexpected turns regarding love and money as Uranus and Venus are together in Aries. Uranus is independent and revolutionary and loves to shake things up. Sometimes that is just what is needed to bring about necessary change. Sometimes it just makes for unwanted drama. Be careful of taking any sudden actions because while this influence will pass quickly, but whatever you do will have long term consequences. An Agate will keep you grounded and Green Aventurine will help to you uncover what really needs to be changed while promoting abundance.




If you've been having a hard time thinking clearly the last few days it could be Mercury and Mars in opposition. It is especially hard to communicate under this aspect because you’re too quick on the trigger and tend to jump ahead and make assumptions without having all of the facts or hearing what others have to say. Try to avoid making any important decisions and watch out for misinformation. Amethyst will help to control the chaos in your head and by tomorrow things should be better.

Posted on February 02, 2012
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