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WEEK OF 10/22/14 – 10/28/14 

Wednesday 10/22/14

You may have to reach deep to find tolerance and acceptance of others today.  Venus and Chiron will limit your point of view so that all you can see is what you believe to be right.  Before going to a place of judgment, consider what others may have to offer you.  A Jupiter/Moon sextile will help as it produces a sense of inner harmony and balance that will make you more accepting and willing to learn from others.  One of the best elements of this transit is that it gives you the ability to be optimistic and realistic all at the same time.  Snowflake Obsidian helps you to appreciate the value of differences.   Fancy Jasper enhances that feeling of well-being and connection. 

Number of the day: 3

Sometimes we do not appreciate what we already have on our quest towards the new.  3 will show you the comfort and beauty of the familiar.  Petrified Wood helps you feel at home. 

Thursday 10/23/14

We have a partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio today that is going to shake things loose.  Your initial urge may be to hold on, hold back and do whatever you can to keep things exactly where they are to avoid any possibility of change.  Change is hard and the Scorpio influence could unleash some deep, long held stuff that may not be easy to manage.  Before you attempt to stop the natural flow of events caused by an Eclipse, consider what might happen if you just let go.   What if you woke up tomorrow free of whatever you have been carrying for too long?  Sometimes it is not as challenging as you may think to change yourself and your situation and it is always easier to work with the energy than attempt to stop it.  Serpentine will help you see the possibilities and begin the healing process.  Carnelian will keep you grounded for comfort while it boosts your determination to do what is best for you.

Number of the day: 4

Look to the energy of 4 when you need stability.  The influence of control and order can help you to make sense and build from wild ideas and desires.  Black Jasper will help you find the best use for the most erratic of energies. 

Friday 10/24/14

If you have business to attend, you want to make your approach today.  There are a few quintile transits that will add up to a favorable and potentially profitable energy for professional activities.  The Sun and Jupiter will encourage you to be progressive and enterprising as you pursue your tasks and goals.  Mercury and Mars will allow you to realize that all work and no play won’t get the job done!  A creative and playful approach to learning new skills, tackling challenging tasks and adapting to new situations will produce outstanding results.  Finally, Venus and Jupiter will remind you that you want more, but not at the expense of others, so keep your focus on your efforts and what you have to offer rather than wasting time trying to outperform others.  Green Aventurine can show you the potential results of your hard work.  Sunstone enhances the vitality of the day.

Number of the day: 5

The energy of 5 will incite you to seek adventure.  It is around every corner, so use Zebra Jasper to uncover the hidden gems. 

Saturday 10/25/14

We are feeling a sense of community, family and teamwork that will have us reaching out to and working well with one another.  A Sun/Venus conjunction is driving us together and uniting us in the pursuit of fun.  There may be an initial lack of quality to this energy where connections are made and abandoned swiftly.  It doesn’t need to be superficial and the slightest effort could bring more substance to the interactions that you forge right now.  Your overall goal will be to get along as well as possible with others.  Not only is it possible to find ways to work with everyone in your realm, but you could build lasting and lucrative relationships.  Tanzanite will encourage positive collaborations for successful results.  Use Smokey Quartz to gain insight and knowledge from each interaction.

Number of the day: 6

The attainment of a goal...even a small one....will give you a wonderful sense of peace.  Rest easy at the end of the day and recognize what you have accomplished.  6 and Aqua Aura will help you enjoy your success. 

Sunday 10/26/14

Mercury is moving forward again and Mars has shifted into success-driven Capricorn.  What does this mean for you?  It means it is time to get up and go!  Things are going to start picking up speed and moving quickly and you want to be prepared to take advantage.  Mercury will remain in Libra until 11/8 so this is the perfect time to forge new partnerships and seek out support.  Mars in Capricorn is the kind of energy that you want at your disposal, whether you are beginning something new or finishing up something already begun.  It will give your actions focus and purpose that can't help but deliver amazing results.  Ruby in Zoisite will help you channel that mix of passion and practicality.   Turquoise encourages you to envision endless possibilities and then find ways to make them happen. 

Number of the day: 7

You never really know how something is going to turn out - no matter how sure that you might be.  7 lets us know that faith and confidence can always overcome doubts and fear.  Prehnite will help you to keep your faith at its strongest. 

Monday 10/27/14

A Venus/Neptune trine will produce a lovely atmosphere where you can accomplish so much by taking a gentle approach.  Often there is pressure to be forceful in order to make an impact, but all of that aggressive energy will be absorbed by the harmonious nature of the day.  Your drive is intact and quite active, but you are less concerned with results and others’ expectations as you are with simply being happy.  Can you imagine what it will be like to just do what you think is best? Rainbow Moonstone lets you relax and work with the peaceful energy.  Use Emerald to strengthen your intention for the best possible outcome. 

Number of the day: 8

Maybe things do not come easy...but that doesn't mean that it has to be hard.  Let 8 and Red Jasper show you the fun in your labors. 

Tuesday 10/28/14

Now it’s the Sun’s turn to work with the imaginative powers of Neptune.  While yesterday’s transit focused on your emotions, today is about instinct.  You need to trust them and heed their guidance because this will lead to important discoveries. You want to allow your mind to wander a bit and use this energy to broaden your vision.  Focus is crucial to success but so is adaptability.  You will have the capability to see things from a different perspective if you are open to letting go of any predetermined plans. Iolite will turn up the volume of your internal communication system so that everything is loud and clear.  Labradorite allows you to see the benefits in course adjustments.  

Number of the day: 9

Sometimes it seems that your only course is to learn to accept.  But you never need to accept what isn't right for you.  Let the energy of 9 and White Agate show you what is in your best interest and eliminate the rest. 


Posted on October 21, 2014
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