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Moldavite Crystal Meteorite


"I've been looking for crystals that I think would help me grow spiritually/emotionally/all around so if you have any recommendations for the next time I order feel free to let me know!! Thank you!! (I’m a Gemini- May 26th)"



Hi there L,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Crystals for growth in general include green stones such as Green FluoriteJadeGreen Quartz and Green Aventurine.

Crystals for emotional balance and growth would include ones such as Moonstone or Carnelian, that help you tap into your emotions. You'll still have to do some work after tapping into and growing that awareness: sitting down and trying to unravel where some reactions spawn from and bringing action into your awareness.

Crystals for spiritual growth include ones like AmethystLapis LazuliSeleniteClear Quartz (especially if you're struggling with fog on your journey), Moldavite (but be prepared to do the work because Moldavite makes you work), and Apophyllite. Any crystal can actually be used for spiritual growth because they're always going to teach you but these ones kind of open and expand spiritually.

Growth is very difficult to offer suggestions for because each person is so very different and it's really a case of what you're looking to achieve RIGHT NOW as opposed to in the long run. If you're struggling with clarity, I'd recommend going for a crystal reading.

Because you mentioned that you're a Gemini, you can also look at crystals for Gemini which can help enhance your positive characteristics but also balance out the ones that are more "negative".

Hope this helps!!

Siobhan Gouws-Moller, from SGCrystalHealing


DISCLAIMER: We feel that crystals can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Posted on January 23, 2021
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