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Comment from - Discount Prices on Healing Crystals, Minerals & Tumbled Stones
Thu, 01 Oct 2009 21:43:39 -0400

I am channelling negativity, mental sickness and pain from other people too easily, as well as future negative events. I would like to find a stone which helps me protecting me from others handling feeling of what is coming. Can you suggest me the appropriate stones?

Thank you ver ymuch,
Greetings Sara,
I certainly understand how that can be disconcerting! Those who are sensitive to energy often find they need to block the absorption of any energy which is not personally their own. I often recommend a combination of stones. For instance, Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals that I know of to help block unwanted/negative energy from the holder. It actually sends this unwanted energy back to the one who sent it, which helps them with their own lessons/experience.

I often pair Black Tourmaline with Rose Quartz. While Rose Quartz is another wonderful crystal that is able to help remove negative energies, it also helps on several other levels. Rose Quartz eases the fear attached to absorbing another persons negative 'stuff" AND it helps to surround the holder with the energy of love and compassion, which is a great reminder that we are all part and parcel of the same Divine, unconditional love, Source, (God, Goddess, whatever you choose to call Higher Source energy).

There are quite a few crystals out there that can assist with blocking, removing, transmuting negative energies. I am including the names and links to where you can go visit the Healing Crystals website and look not only at the pictures, but the metaphysical properties for each. Choose what resonates with you the most.
Aqua Aura
Chlorite in Quartz
Fluorite, All
Jasper, Red, Brecciated
Kunzite, Pink
Tourmalinated Quartz

There are several articles on the Healing Crystals website that may be of assistance as well.
This article deals with negativity in the workplace
The May Newsletter also dealt with clearing negative energy
Here is another article that deals with the cleansing of strong negative energies

I think, with the right stones, you will be able to recognize what is your energy and what is not. It takes practice and awareness at first, but in no time, you will be able to understand the difference. If you feel you have taken on someone else's "stuff", simply take a moment, sit quietly and visualize putting their "stuff" in a pretty balloon. Then, in your mind, watch the balloon fly up, up and away. This will release their energy from your energy field.

Stay in love,

Posted on October 04, 2009

  I love the website...this is my firsy order. I love the educational blog or newsletter you provide it really
helped me while making my purchase. I really appreciate the time and effort.

kat  (Submitted by: Kat M on April 14, 2012)
  It's funny how crystals/people interact. Some combos have better chemistry than others. I find hematite & garnet work really well for me. Those two work better with direct skin contact. I wear them, as well as take flower essences (yarrow), which have been invaluable. Take care! ;p  (Submitted by: Don X on December 19, 2009)

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